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*** Each person attending this conference, MUST be registered individually. ***

Pre-Conference registration is required and must be submitted no later than July 1, 2017.

The 2017 Conference Agenda can be found on the Conferences Page.


Please fill out Attendee info: District/Company, LAST, then FIRST name, and Job Title. Then, under whichever section applies, please choose "ALL Days" or select the days the person will be attending. Also, if you would like dinner provided by MAPT on Thursday, please check, "YES, I want Dinner." If the person is participating in any competition please select which one. Once you have checked the appropriate boxes, please add your total up in the bottom box. Please then, PRINT this page for your records, especially for multiple attendees so you will know your grand total due to MAPT for the conference. Once completed and printed, then click "Send Message."

Importation Notes: If your registration has gone through correctly, you will see a thank you message come up in this same window. If you have corrections or questions regarding a submitted registration or wish to cancel a registration prior to July 1, 2017, please contact Brenda Cravens at or 207-676-2856. Districts/companies will be billed for ALL registrations on file with MAPT after July 1, 2017 whether the person attends the conference or not.

Meals: A complimentary continental breakfast will be provided by MAPT Tuesday-Friday mornings. Complimentary lunch will be provided by MAPT Thursday & Friday, Dinner will be provided by MAPT on Thursday ONLY at a cost of $23 per person. Please be sure to check the box on the registration form if you wish to have dinner that night. Attendees should plan accordingly for all other meals. Breakfast can be purchased from the restaurant at Sugarloaf as well.

PAYMENTS: ALL registrations will be invoiced to each district/company after July 1, 2017 by MAPT. If you wish to pre-pay for the conference prior to July 1, 2017, please send your payment to the address below. Any questions regarding invoices and/or payments should be directed to Richard Joseph, MAPT Treasurer, at or 207-778-4307. ALL districts/companies should assure that MAPT's address is up-to-date in your business office's files and/or software so payment is received in a timely manner and is not lost in the mail to a prior MAPT address.


c/o Richard Joseph

108 Learning Lane

Farmington, ME 04938

SUGARLOAF ACCOMMODATIONS: If you need accommodations at Sugarloaf for any part of the conference, please click HERE to download the registration form and Sugarloaf Lodging contact information.

District / Company*

LAST Name*


Job Title*

I will be attending the NAPT Course Weds AM?

Attendee (Non-Director)

Is Attendee Competing?

Select an option

Director or Supervisor

Director (Non-Mermber)

TOTAL DUE (must do the math yourself) $:*


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